Lethal Affairs is the first of the Elite Operatives series by Kim Baldwin and Xenia Alexiou. (And being part of a series that's ongoing is certainly a point in its favor - I think the fifth book is being published this year).
Even better, though, Lethal Affairs is actually pretty awesome. I have no idea why it took me so long to read it. The basic premise is that there is a super sekrit organization of spies (the titular elite operatives) and they take care of threats to national security while also being totally badass. And also kind of emotionally stunted because they've spent their entire lives from childhood onward being trained to be badass, which understandably takes its toll.
In Lethal Affairs, one of these operatives, Domino, is doing undercover work to save the super sekrit spy organization (and herself) from being compromised after an operation goes awry and she gets caught on videotape. The videotape ends up in the hands of a plucky journalist, and Domino is sent to retrieve it slash take care of business. You can guess what happens. (It's sexy business).
This isn't to say that Lethal Affairs is predictable - it's not. While its development of the relationship between Domino and her target is pretty much par for the course, it's sexy and fun 'cause SHE'S A SPY! (I eat that shit up like candy). (Also, there are no words like "nubbin" or "love button" and I didn't want to claw out my eyes and never have sex again). Additionally, Baldwin and Alexiou deal with the suspense / thriller aspect of the plot masterfully (and the writing is really tight, too - always a plus).
It's a great read, and I'm working on the second book of the series now - Thief of Always - which is just as much fun.
Elite Operatives is one of my favorite reads of 2012 so far and you should read it if you like any of the following: spies, lesbians, suspense, and secret pain.
Rating: five out of five smooth criminals.
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